18 May 2024

Fitman’s mission on earth

Fitman has been sent to earth by his parents to save the children on earth from the evil that is fast food, apathy, laziness and sadness.

Fitman will capture the imagination of children to see them become superheroes of fitness, health and happiness. Children will be inspired to encourage their parents and sibling to get outside with them to be active and participate in life, whether it is just riding a bike, skating or a structured sport like Auskick, netball, dancing.

Fitman's mission on earth is to empower 5 million children to try different sports and to be active, healthier and fitter.

Look, Up In The Sky! It’s Fitman!

Fitman originates from Planet Vitalicus (yum!).

He is the son of a champion Pole Vaulter and his mother won a kryptonite medal at the 2228 Fitgames (kind of like the galactic version of the Olympics!). Go mum!

It's Fitman, up in the sky!